Thomas Uebach
Partner | Lawyer | Specialist Lawyer for Labour Law
Professional Experience
Thomas Uebach primarily advises German and non-German small and medium sized companies as well as individuals in the field of individual and collective labour law. He has significant experience in strategy consulting as well as in developing employment and service contracts. Furthermore, he advises in all aspects trade law, especially concerning contract law. He has been a litigation attorney for more than 15 years and has thus gained profound expertise in the area of procedural law.He also focusses on real estate law: he has long-term experience in purchase and sale of residential and commercial real estate and real estate portfolios. This includes providing legal due diligences, setting up contracts and advising in all matters concerning financing.
His main clients are among the largest German advertising agencies and he advises Germany’s largest independent used car dealer. Thomas Uebach holds a certificate as a merchant in wholesale and foreign trade and his particular strength is dealing with the economic impacts of a case.
Thomas Uebach gives in-house seminars on all aspects of labour law.
German, English, DanishProfessional qualifications
+ Data Protection Officer, certified by TÜV 2022+ Specialist Lawyer for Labour Law (Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht) 2016
+ Admitted to the bar 2001
+ Master of Law 1997
+ University of Hamburg
+ Certified merchant in wholesale and foreign trade 1992
+ Hamburgischer Anwaltverein e.V.+ Hamburger Verein für Arbeitsrecht e.V.
+ ARGE Arbeitsrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein